Government Departments

The State of San Andreas is compromised by many factions and departments within the city and county jurisdictions.
Our State Government is a collaborate of officials, high command and service members.

Los Santos City Hall - State Department

The City hall houses the main constituents of the State Government, Mayors Office, Voting, Licensing, Document Requests, DOJ and many employment options through City Hall.
Courts and Hearings, Bar Exams, and City Appointments are held at the City Hall.

Department Of Justice - DOJ

State your case... There is a duty of the DOJ to uphold constitution and law and provide Services to the Civials and community.
The DOJ works closely with all LE Departments, DOC and the City Hall in all regards to State cases and hearings and Requests by departments.

Department Of Corrections - DOC

Bollingbrook State Prison is known for its renowned facility and care of inmates. Department Command and Staff provide stability & resources to inmates for full return to society.

Law & Order

State Government & Offices, Department of Justice, Law Enforcement & Department of Corrections

Blaine County Sheriffs Office - BCSO

Sandy Shores houses the main Sheriff HQ with Satellite offices in Grapeseed and Paleto. Working together with SAST/SAHP & LSPD. Sheriffs provide DOC transports and provide Bailiff Services with DOJ.

San Andreas State Troopers - SAST

With Satellite offices in Davis and Paleto, The SAST/SAHP are able to perform statewide functions in cooperation with LSPD & BCSO.

Los Santos Police Department - LSPD

LSPD Main HQ is located at the Mission Row Police Department, with Air 1 services, Investigative Hold and Court Holds, LSPD also provides community support with local EMS & Fire.

Mt.Zonah Medical Center - EMS

Mt.Zonah is the primary medical group facilitator. The State Medical Director and Command operate from the facility located in Los Santos and provide the training for the medical group professionals in Paleto and Sandy Shores. Mt.Zonah has state of the art facilities, Surgery Clinic, and Long Term Recovery Center.

Sandy Medical Group - EMS

Sandy Medical group is home to primary care physicians, prescribers and emergency care services in Blaine County. EMS is available from Sandy Shores and will transport to Mt.Zonah on Higher Priority Treatments or long term medical Care.

Bay Care Center Paleto - EMS

Bay Care Center Paleto is your Primary & Urgent Care Clinic and Emergency Triage Department in the Paleto Bay County. Offering routine care and emergency treatment and transport to Mt.Zonah for long term medical care.

Medical & EMS

Medical professionals and Emergency Response within San Andreas

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